2nd Generation Brewhouse | Homebrew Electronics

The project that started this whole new home brewery was the modified "brewhouse".

When I started brewing I used a cajun burner with one pot. Since I am not a welder by any means I needed to have someone do the fabrication when I stepped to a single tier all grain system. Brad, is a friend of a friend who last year helped me construct this single tier brew scuplture.

Realtive to the new system is was very simple, quick disconnects, one pump and three 55k btu burners.

The new system about 1/3 of the way through the modications. Once it is done it will be entirely hard plumbed, have two pumps (one for sparging and the other for wort transfer), HLT heat exchanger for step mashes, inline temp readings, several polycarbonate sight glasses, an expandable / swinging control panel supprt, a tipping mash tun, integrated plate chiller and a way to reuse the hot water from the chiller. So I guess this brewery will be "green" in the way it conserves water.

These pics include one of Brad who has done a very good job of coming up with problems with constructing the brewery. More pictures will be included as Brad's part is done and as we hard plumb it.