Learn Electronics 3 - Exercise 15 Circuits Schematics | Homebrew Electronics

A short post and summary today - I've got myself a cold and am not feeling so well.

I got the project box completed - soldered up all the LEDs, button, switches, speaker, etc. I left the power jack on the bottom unfinished... since I don't have a 12V power supply to spare, I'm not sure if I'll complete that part of the project any time soon.

A few notes about the project box - I had to redrill the four holes in the circuit board to mount them to the box - I used a 1/8" bit to enlarge the holes and I purchased 4 #6 bolts to fit in the four holes I drilled in the back of the box. I bought 4 small nylon nuts (#8s) to serve as little posts for the circuit board to sit on... works fine.

The project works... sort of. The green LED does not light up to test the circuit - either I burned it out (I did use a copper clip) or soldered something incorrectly, but I just can't get that part of the circuit to work. The box does work, however. When I have the magnetic switch closed (see video), I can flip the power switch - the red LED lights up. When I break the magnetic switch, off goes the alarm.

I'm ready to move forward (once I get to feeling better) and away from the exercise, so I'm going to put this aside for now and maybe come back to it in the future to try and figure it out. For now, I've learned what I can from this exercise and am looking forward to Chapter 4 that starts us on Integrated Circuits... woo hoo!