Update on Blog | Homebrew Electronics

Sorry, all, for the big delays in posting. My wife delivered a 10lb, 7oz baby boy on June 14th... and the weeks before were a bit crazy as well as the last week and a half.

Baby and momma are fine, life is somewhat returning to normal, and I'm ready to get back to the blog and finish my coverage of the experiments in the book.

I'll try to have a conclusion/summary of Experiment 31 before Saturday... and I've been collecting my notes on Experiment 32 which appears to be one of the larger and more time-consuming exercises. I've been looking forward to that experiment ever since I first skimmed the book, so it's nice to have reached that point... now if I can just find some spare time to cut out the pieces.

Excuses, excuses... thanks for your patience, and I'll get back to work on the blog and book shortly.