What's Next? | Homebrew Electronics

I must have missed the memo!

In the last week, the following things have occurred:

1. Arduino The Documentary was released.

Arduino The Documentary (2010) English HD from gnd on Vimeo.

2. Make magazine Volume 25 focuses on the Arduino. (I'd estimate 50-60% of the magazine is directly related or involves the Arduino in some manner - I have the PDF/digital version on my iPad, but the print version should be out by Jan 25.)

3. Beginning Arduino from Apress hit the shelves (once again, however, I got the digital version)

4. Even The Ben Heck Show has coverage of the Arduino in this week's episode!

Given that the Arduino seems to have multiple spotlights on it for the month of January 2011, I guess this is as good a time as any to announce that when I finish the Make: Electronics book (this week, I believe) I plan on continuing forward by learning (and blogging) about my experiences with tackling the 50 projects in the Beginning Arduino book (#3 above).

Fifty projects?! I've scanned most of them and believe that I can do it... but I'm not setting a timeline and I'm most certainly not committing to doing all 50. A lot of it depends on costs (which I haven't figured out yet) of all the required components... and interest. The book looks great, but if I dig in and find myself getting bogged down or dissatisfied with the projects/book? Who knows?

That said... I've been waiting a LONG time to begin my hands-on with the Arduino. I know what it is... I know how it works... sort of. But I've never actually done anything with one. So...

I've ordered myself the Arduino Uno... and I may be ordering a few add-ons/accessories from the MakerStore shortly.

But because this is a completely different topic and book, I'll be moving this discussion over to a new blog - http://handsonarduino.blogspot.com - I've already got 2 followers, so apparently some folks have already jumped in even before the announcement.

As with this book, I'll be documenting my results - both successful and otherwise - and including photos and videos of my work. While I'm at it, I'll also do my best to build a running Google Spreadsheet that contains all the parts I've used (and where I bought them... and cost). Chime in if there's anything I've missed (or that you'd like to see me add) and I'll see what I can do...

Now... back to Exercise 35 and that PICAXE...