Conincal Cooling Coils | Homebrew Electronics

So it's been a few weeks sense the planes where posted and we have made some progress and i have just been slow to post it. The Cooling Coils have been placed on to the Conical or as i like to call it 27 Gallons of goodness. For this 50' of flexible copper tubing was used to form around the base of the conical.

We chose to coil the base of the conical rather then the top so we could make a smaller batch and still cool the system. The Fermentation process should agitate enough to circulate larger batches even with the coils placed on the lower part of the conical. If needed a second set of cooling coils could be added to the top of the conical and could be driven by a third pump allowing cooling process to happen faster (if needed). This will all be controlled by a PLC so it should not be difficult to control the third pump.

It was tricky warping these coils around the base of the conical as it is cone shaped and it took some time to make sure we had good contact between the coils and the conical. After it was warped tension bolts used to hold the coils in place and keep them firm to the conical.

Check out the process in the following video: